PIARC 13th International Winter Road Congress in Québec, Canada (2010)

Julie Boulet, Minister of Transport, Quebec, Canada-Quebec

Julie Boulet, Minister of Transport, Quebec, Canada-Quebec

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We put an end today to an important Congress which reached all its objectives. The exchanges which took place here during the last week will contribute largely to the advance of knowledge of road transport. It is the whole of the world road community which will withdraw the enormous benefit, in particular with regard to the sustainable development.

I would like, in the name of the companies of Quebec, and the whole of our delegation, to thank the organizing committee this Congress which held a received us most cordially.

Now that this Congress is completed, it is undoubtedly time to think of our next large gathering. It will take place on other side of the Atlantic, in the North-East of North America.

In less than 3 years, from the 8th to the 11th of February, 2010, it will indeed be Quebec's turn and the town of Quebec will open its doors to the world road community, for the occasion of the 13th International Winter Road Congress.

Quebec is the only Canadian province made up of a population of mainly French-speaking people. It is recognized for the vastness of its territory, the diversity of its economy and the beauty of its landscapes.

The winter in Quebec is very rigorous. In February, you will have the occasion to have contact with this reality which has enabled us to develop an outstanding expertise in the field of winter services.

The town of Quebec, national capital of Quebec, will be the appointed hostess of this event. She is located at 250 km in the east of Montreal and at some 850 km to the north of New York. The cradle of New-France, it will celebrate, in 2008, its 400th birthday of foundation.

A tourist destination on an international scale, the town of Quebec is characterized by the quality of its welcome, the warmth of its people and the originality of his architecture. Its fortified section was designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site.

Thus, it is an appointment to which I very enthusiastically invite you.

Thank you Paris to have received us with as many regards! Thank you to the organizers of this Congress! Now, we turn towards Quebec.

Our dear wish will be to make the 13th International Winter Congress, in February 2010, an event as successful as this one!
