Welcome Address

Colin Jordan, President of the World Road Association

Colin Jordan President of the World Road Association

Colin Jordan, President of the World Road Association

Ministers, distinguished guests, delegates, partners, exhibitors, ladies and gentlemen:

On behalf of the World Road Association (PIARC), I welcome you all to this XXIIIrd World Road Congress in the beautiful city of Paris.

I want to especially acknowledge the Honourable Dominique Bussereau, the State Secretary for Transport of France, and Mrs Anne Hidalgo, Deputy-Mayor of Paris, who have opened our great World Road Congress.

I am also delighted that we have over 60 ministers here from over 50 countries around the world, who will inform, challenge and entertain us this afternoon in the Ministers' Session on the "Potential and Limits of User Charging".

We have over 2600 delegates and their accompanying persons and a great many exhibitors also attending this Congress.

It is a unique and historic congress, as it celebrates the centenary of the World Road Association, previously and still affectionately known as PIARC-AIPCR, in the city where the Association was founded and held its first Congress in 1908.

Appropriately, this Congress will reflect upon the history of roads and road transport over the last one hundred years to help us better understand current and future issues as we make our choices for sustainable development.

Also, through reports from the Technical Committees, delegates will learn of the Association's work over the last four years in identifying and adapting world best practice and cutting-edge technology.

In the Strategic Direction and Special Sessions, the Congress will use the historical review and the outcomes of the Association's work to look forward to the future, to establish a secure platform from which we can address the challenges that lie ahead, and to help guide the work of PIARC over the next four years.

In addition, the exhibition will showcase the latest technology and products, and the technical visits will show delegates how Paris and France are addressing the challenges of sustainable mobility at the beginning of the 21st century.

On behalf of all delegates, exhibitors and partners, I express our appreciation to France and to the city of Paris for hosting this special centenary Congress. To you, Minister Dominique Bussereau, and to you, Mrs Hidalgo, Deputy-Mayor of Paris, and to our esteemed colleague, the French First Delegate to PIARC and member of its Executive Committee, Patrice Parisé, we are greatly indebted for your support for PIARC and this Congress.

PIARC owes France and its Ministry of Transport in particular a great debt of gratitude for the support given to PIARC since its foundation in providing a home here in Paris for the Association and for the ongoing willingness to second the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General.

For the outstanding technical and social program of events we will enjoy, and all the behind-the-scenes arrangements so necessary to the smooth running of a Congress such as this, we thank the French Organising Committee under the general direction of Patrice Parisé.

They have been ably assisted by the team from the PIARC General Secretariat, lead by Secretary General Jean-Francois Corté. They have put together an outstanding technical program that balances the past, the present and the future in a way that will both inform and challenge us all.

I also acknowledge the many international and regional organisations with representatives at the Congress, in some cases chairing sessions or presenting papers. Pleasingly, some organisations have indicated that they intend the Congress to be a spur to a higher level of cooperation in the future.

I will make special mention of three: Firstly, the International Road Federation (IRF) whose President will be presenting an award later in this session; secondly, the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), which also provides a forum for the Heads of Road Agencies in the Asia-Pacific region; and thirdly, the DIRCAIBEA, the leading road association in the Latin American region. We are honoured by your presence and look forward to effective cooperation and collaboration in our work following the Congress.

Finally, to all delegates: This will be a great Congress. It is your Congress. Use it as an opportunity to mix, to renew old friendships and to make new ones; work hard at seeking out new knowledge and ideas you can use to good effect when you return home; allow yourselves to be challenged; and above all, enjoy yourselves. Your enthusiastic participation is the vital ingredient which will bring our Congress to life. I wish you all a wonderful week.

And now, to set the scene for us as we begin the serious work of this Congress, our French hosts have prepared a short, animated audio-visual presentation. It is intended to highlight and bring into vivid relief some of the big issues and choices road and road transport administrators and professionals face for sustainable development.
