Strategic Direction Session

TS2 Sustainable Roads - Part of the Transport Chain in a Globalized World

19 September 2007 (09:00 - 12:30)
Room: Havane

Chair: Wolfgang Hahn (TS2 Coordinator/Germany)


Wolfgang Hahn (TS2 Coordinator/Germany)

Part 1: Impact of roads on quality of life

Key note speech:


Part 2: Consequences of the demographic process on road infrastructure

Panel discussion:
Bernard Letarte (Ministry of Transportation/Canada-Québec)
Rob Methorst (AVV Transport Research Centre/The Netherlands)
Jean Mathieu Mbaucaud (Ministry of Construction and Public Works/Congo)
Roberto Aguerrebere (Mexican Transport Institute/Mexico)

Contributions from the audience

Coffee Break

Part 3: Transport chains and corridors in a world of globalisation

Panel Discussion

Panel discussion:
Anders HH Jansson (Finnish Road Administration/Finland)
Csaba Koren (Istvan Széchenyi University/Hungary)
Pedro Orso-Delgado(California Department of Transportation/USA)


Wolfgang Hahn (TS2 Coordinator/Germany)
