Technical Committee Session

C2.2 Interurban roads and integrated interurban transport

21 September 2007 (9:00 - 12:30)
Room 352

Chair: Jean-Michel Gambard (C2.2 Chairperson/France)


Part 1: Planning, design, operation: experiences and recommendations

Opening for questions / comments

Summing up "Key questions for the future" (introduction to part 2)
Jean-Michel Gambard


Coffee Break

Part 2: Interurban Transport and Roads of the future: new challenges, new balances

Round table discussion : possible strategies and measures

Moderator: Jean-Michel Gambard

Yves Crozet (Professor, University of Lyon/France)
Lindy Molenkamp (Ministry of Transport/The Netherlands)

Open to questions / comments from the room

Closing conclusions

Jean-Michel Gambard
