Venue: Grand Amphithéâtre
Opening Ceremony
Monday 17 Morning 10:00-12:30

Master of Ceremonies : Dominique Rousset, Journalist, Producer at France Culture
Musical Interludes: Orchestra Soledad
Welcome Addresses
- Dominique Bussereau, State Secretary for Transport
- Anne Hidalgo, First Deputy Mayor of Paris
- Colin Jordan, President of the World Road Association
A century of World Road Congresses
- Jean-François Corté, Secretary General of the World Road Association
Award ceremony for the PIARC Prizes 2007 competition
Award ceremony for the 2007 IRF man of the year
- Colin Jordan, President of the World Road Association
Presentation of the Congress Programme
- Hubert Peigné, Chairperson of the French Organising Committee
- Jean-François Corté, Secretary General of the World Road Association